dilluns, 7 de juliol del 2008


Hi! Well... here I am... this is absolutely new to me so please bare with me while I get there, ok?

Wow... I can't believe I'm finally doing this... it is so exciting!

Well... I have started to share my happiness with everyone, the happiness of being a mom to 2 miracles and a 3rd on the way!I look forward to keeping you posted!

Have a good one!


3 comentaris:

MireiaKDS ha dit...


que guayyyyyy !! oleee oleee oleee

felicitats pel blog i per tot!!!

ets la millor!

muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaks al polete :p

Mireia Camp ha dit...

Hola Jacky, no saps com m'alegro de la notícia! Segur que tot anirà molt bé.
Sento no haver-me assebentat abans... fa massa temps que no parlem.
Felicitats per a tu i per a tota la família.


Sampsons ha dit...

hey, so where's the rest of it? N