dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2009

Sleepless nights

I was just wondering when all this shall pass... Both my eldest were sleeping the night through at baby's age, yet baby's light years from doing so, or so it seems. He can wake up over 8 times per night. I sometimes feel I won't be able to cope, yet others, I feel strong. I know I'll look back one day and laugh at it all but right now there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel. But because I'm a mom I get through it and I love my baby with all my heart and know that all this time "investment" will pay off in the future by having a happy, self-confident child.

dilluns, 23 de febrer del 2009

Time goes by...

I was just thinking how time flies by and how sometimes I don't get to appreciate every moment. Little baby Pol's almost 4 months old, where did time go? He's doing so many things... he "talks" all the time, pulls these funny faces, smiles a lot... he's an angel!

Paula is 6 I wonder how it's happened so quick... I can almost still feel her move in my belly, yet, she's 6... amazing... 6... she learnt to swim in June, she went to camp with school and did great, she's excelling at school... I really can't ask for much more... she's a little poser too, she sees a camera and will start posing... she's my little princess!

Jan will turn 4 in April... he's all boy, sweet yet rough... he's soooooooo independent, loves to play and is into Gormitis a lot. He's such an easy going child... 100% lovable!

I'd just like to add that all my children are miracles... they're my life and I couldn't be more proud to be their mom!

diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009

It's been a while...

Well, hello again... I know it's been a looooooooooooooooong while... no excuse really other that this takes up a lot of time and up to now I haven't had much of it really...

So, what's new? We're 5 already! Our 3rd little miracle Pol arrived on Oct 30 at 10 am. He's a handsome little baby if I may say so... his siblings are thrilled with him.

It's not been as hard going from 2 to 3 as going from 1 to 2, still it is hard work and we're always busy!

Paula turned 6 last Monday... 6 already! She's our little princess... such a lovely little girl. She's doing great at school and being very good at home, most of the time

Jan will be 4 in April... time's gone by fast too. He's the most adorable, cute and lovable little boy ever... so sweet! He's loving school too and being very patient at home.

Pol's almost 4 months... I wonder where time's gone... he's smiling all the time and has started to "talk"... too funny! If only he'd sleep the night through... we did better last night 8:30-5:20... can't complain really, can I???

I hope it's not such a long while until my next post. I'm happy to share my happiness. I love my kids and I want everyone to know!!!!!

Talk to you soon,
